Saturday, February 5, 2011


We spent the entire day at the house, finishing the cabinet doors, painting the walls in the kitchen/den, and painting the master bedroom. We took a break and treated ourselves (and our helpers) to subway. Here's a shot of Bentley longing for a piece of my Italian BMT! Sorry dog, I don't share salami!

Below are the hinges from the cabinets that we soaked, scrubbed and are now spray painting. As you can see, they were once a rusty brass... now they are shiny and black! There's $50 we won't need to spend on hardware!

Here's a peak of the colors in the kitchen. The cabinets are "Antique White" and the walls are "Clay Pot." 

If you're itching to see some finished paint projects, we finally have one for you!! This is our bedroom, and we painted it "Frozen Pond." It's my favorite Silver Sage color that we used in our apartment in Boston. It's calming, classy, and matches the stuff we already have... score! Tomorrow we'll clear the tarp out of the there and take off that painter's tape, since they don't quite go... 

Here is our bathroom vanity, which is actually part of the bedroom (the shower and toilet are on one side, the closet is on the other). I am thankful for this set up! We will be painting the trim white sometime this week. I'm thinking I may also tackle the bathroom cabinets after we've moved in... maybe a chocolate brown color? They'll be a piece of cake compared to the kitchen!

More updates to come! Thanks for leaving comments, I love them!!!


  1. Chocolate brown for SURE! DO IT! :) Can't wait to visit in person! :)

  2. Beautiful! Wish I could help! Oh and FYI, the only way I see that you comment back to me on here is if I come back and check the comments...which I usually don't. I don't want to be a crazy blog stalker!
