Friday, December 9, 2011

Best Uses for your copy of "Twilight"

Since I'm just waiting these days, waiting to endure a painful event, waiting to meet my son, waiting to be a mom, etc. What better way to distract myself than to create craft after craft with with to adorn my house for Christmas? So, I made this paper wreath. I got the idea from several blogs in which those more talented (and creative) than myself thought this up. A hot glue gun, Styrofoam ring and a copy of "Twilight" and I was well on my way!

I hung it up high so no one would read about Bella and Edward's passionate interactions or the dramatic showdown between Jacob and the vampires...


  1. Lovely...and you make me giggle.

  2. Ha ha. I will NEVER do that to my copy of twilight. But it does look lovely. :)
