I am LOVING life as a Stay at Home Mom, adjusting to the crazy, wonderful experience of being someone's mom. One of the challenges (or, "Opportunities for Creativity" as I termed it to Jared, kind of joking but knowing it's true) of being a Stay at Home Mom, is the fact that we are now on a single income. An honest conversation last night, as well as the impending financial management class we'll be beginning with our small group, got us thinking that we need to trim down more than we already were. Specifically, I thought of grocery spending since this is really the only consistent "spending" I do each week. So, here is what I was ALREADY doing to save $$ on food:
1. Making my own salad dressings and pesto
2. Buying nuts/dried fruit in bulk
3. Stocking up on whole chickens instead of buying chicken breast
4. Buying only milk and water as far as beverages go
5. Freezing a big batch of homemade whole wheat pizza dough in case we get tempted to order delivery
6. Avoiding the aisle section of the grocery store, except to purchase some condiments and pantry staples!
7. Planning only 2-3 meals a week that involve chicken/beef or fish (and eating vegetarian the other nights), and not making the meat the "focal point" of every meal, like I used to (this is healthier, too).
8. Having at least one meal a week that's a "smorgasbord"- taking everything that looks like it might get wasted in my fridge and turning it into a salad/smoothie/soup/crudite platter, depending on the season (You just can't be afraid to try cauliflower/cranberry/arugula/avocado salad)
Did the above steps help us? Yes. Do I need to take it a step further (or maybe five?) yes. Here's the thing though- I know I could bounce over to walmart and stock up on goodies, spending far less than usual and having more than enough food for the week. However, we've gotten on this all-natural, organic, preservative-free kick. Thank GOD for stores like Sunflower Market that make organic living pretty affordable. Anyway, I'm really not willing to compromise on making healthy food for my family. I am determined to stay under budget without sacrificing on quality. Wishful thinking? Probably. Naive? A tad- Worth a shot? ABSOLUTELY! (this is my own mental pep talk)
So, here are my new brainstorms for things I can add to grocery saving epiphanies:
1. Make my own bread (the loaf we buy is "Udi's" brand- soooo yummy, local, and good for you. However, I can't justify spending almost $5 a week for a loaf of bread, even though it's quite large. I may save this for a once in a while treat (or, a "it's-100-degrees-out-and-unless-you-can-bake-bread-on-the-sidewalk-I'll-be-buying-it). I think I'll try this recipe with whole wheat flour.
2. Skip the individual yogurt cups and buy one large plain yogurt container. Since Jared likes to take these to work, I can still prepare little yogurt servings in the small Ball glass jars I have, sticking some organic fruit jam at the bottom and filling the rest with yogurt (will post pics when I get around to this one!)
3. Make my own tortillas. I know, this sounds like a bit much. But, have you ever sunk your teeth into your very own freshly made tortilla- FROM SCRATCH? Ugh. Once you do, you will be converted. I promise. I substituted whole wheat flour for this recipe and it was soooo good.
4. Up the anty on bean/egg dishes we make during the week, cutting down further on money spent on chicken/beef/fish. I need help with this one. There are only so many "Huevos rancheros" I can make or "Make your own Rice Bowls" I can come up with. Ideas, anyone?
5. Avoid canned goods and buy beans dried- so cheap and healthier, too.
So those are my latest thoughts. Please, if you have ideas for me, I would love to hear them!!!